See Me Now, Hear Me Now - Oracy Programme for Schools
What is See Me Now, Hear Me Now!?
This is a 3 part workshop, spread over three weeks for maximum impact (each workshop is an hour) which teaches students the fundamentals of how to feel seen, be heard, to be confident to speak in public and to develop their communication skills. These workshops teach students how to strengthen their speaking voices through fun voice work, how to project and improve their diction and articulation, how to hold successful conversations, to be aware of how their body language communicates, in turn empowering students and help make themselves feel confident at being visible, the power they possess and how to believe in themselves and their abilities as Speakers and Storytellers.
We are all very aware that Oracy skills Framework is a fundamental part of the curriculum. These workshops cover the 4 fundamental areas of oracy:
Oracy Framework: Physical, Linguistic, Cognitive, Social & Emotional
Workshop 1 of See Me Now, Hear Me Now teaches students the importance of physical elements such as the clarity of their projection and teaches fun ways to improve this. Vocal projection is covered using professional breath support techniques. Students work on the tonal quality of their voices and how this variation creates different meaning. The workshops work on how to successfully speak using difference in pace to create variation and spontaneity.
Workshop 2 of See Me Now Hear Me Now focuses on non-verbal communication and how we can adapt this to empower what we say. Focus is given to body language, the importance of eye contact and how we can use gesture to be assured and confident speakers. In this workshop we also cover social and emotional elements of the framework; working with others, turn taking and interacting within groups.
Workshop 3 of See Me Now, Hear Me Now focuses on bringing all these elements together. Working on storytelling, we encourage students to focus on speech structure – a key element in the cognitive area of the oracy framework. Students will have the opportunity to tell a story or construct a speech, focusing on these key areas. As well as this, we are guiding the students through choosing the appropriate vocabulary for their audience during this last week and taking them through the successful use of speech making techniques such as rhetorical questions and humour, all key elements under the linguistic element of the framework.

What do we do in these workshops?
What do we do in these workshops?
Week one – we start with high energy games to get the students focused and energised, ready to learn. We the go over lots of vocal exercises and projection strengthening techniques, we cover diaphragmatic breathing and how to support the breath and voice, we improve the muscularity of the tongue, lips, soft and hard palate through fun vocal and articulation exercises – in turn improving clarity of diction.
Mindset is a key element to improving the confidence of students in Public Speaking, so we end the workshop with a fantastic visualisation exercise to promote this.
Week two– we focus on group work and exercises in this workshop – highlighting the importance of body language, gesture, facial expression, posture, taking up space and eye contact. We then shift onto listening to our natural instincts regarding movement and create opportunities to tell stories, exploring intonation, variation of tone in the voice and resonance, which is turn promotes more awareness of the audience and frees students up to be creative.
Week three – our final workshop’s aim is to marry these elements together and to tell a story or speech with passionate, emotional connection and with a clear structure. Students will get the chance to perform to the rest of the group and show off those new skills they have acquired.
This programme was born out of our collaboration with schools in East London needing a fun and engaging way to improve the oracy of their students. We have delivered this programme to over 600 students so far.
How much are these workshops?
Each workshop is £150 + VAT so the total for the three week workshop is £450 + VAT.
Many schools request we take multiple classes in a day, if this is the case, we can usually facilitate up to 5 classes a day – which is discounted to £500 a day plus VAT.
Many of our schools are able to fund these workshops using their Pupil Premium funding.
Each workshop can accommodate up to 35 children.
Recommended ages, KS2, KS3 and KS4.
To book a call with The Drama Centre to discuss your school’s needs, please email or call 07396 712781
Workshop testimonials
Manor Junior School
'This is the most focused I have ever seen my students!'
'We have seen a huge improvement in our daughter's Public Speaking and her ability to communicate with us!'
'I have seen personal growth in myself and all of the other students in the classes.'